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Написать на английском три факта о Бермудском треугольнике

Ответы (1)
  1. 19 июня, 10:30
    The Bermuda Triangle (or the Devil's Triangle - the more common in English-speaking countries name) is the place where people get lost, ships and planes disappear, navigation devices go wrong. It is situated in the Atlantic Ocean, near the coast of North America.

    3 facts about the Bermuda Triangle:

    Christopher Columbus was the first person, who noticed the particular qualities of this place (it wasn't even named the Bermuda Triangle at that time). He experienced a strange light flash and all the navigation devices'breaking. One of the weirdest accidents that happened in this area was the disappearance of five torpedo-boats on the 5th of December, in 1945. More than that - the life plane that had been sent to their search also disappeared. There are many various theories of what is happening - for example, aliens, Atlantis, double ocean bottom, killer waves, magnetic anomalies and transference to parallel worlds.
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