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Английский язык
Напишите по Английски: 1. Он ходил в парк ... to the park. 2. Он ходил в парк? ... to the park? 3. Он не ходил в парк ... to the park. 4. Ему понравился парк? ... the park? 5. Нам не понравился парк ... the park.
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Кирилл Устинов
Английский язык
Give antonyms for: higienic - greasy (hair, skin) - dry - rough - smelling - fresh (smell) - healthy - effective - imported - natural - liquid - regular - infected - useful - pleasant - necessary-
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Английский язык
Поставьте вопросыShe brought me a new bookHe did his task at homeHe spoke to her mother yesterday
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Матвей Демидов
Английский язык
Вставить am, is, are Terri---at home. Where---you& Where---he7 Where - --it&There---two windows in this room. My brother---seventeen. They---late very often
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Николай Царев
Английский язык
Дайте английские эквиваленты данных слов и словосочетаний: а) грязь; б) обнаружить; в) в наши дни; г) гробница; д) возводить; е) отчасти; ж) крыша; з) поддержка; и) последние открытия; к) натуральный камень
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Даниил Чернов
Английский язык
Заполните пропуски глаголами to be и to have в соответствующей форме. 1) That ... this? 2) They ... a large room in the hostel. 3) I ... going to become an agronomist. 4) You ... very late. 5) She ... not at home now. 6) My friend ... many interesting books. 7) His sister ... a teacher of English at school. 8) Her brother ... a farmer. 9) ... these students books on economy? 10) The rooms in our hostel ... not very large.
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Полина Овчинникова
Английский язык
I have thought the best thing to do is just ring them and explain the problem. a) could b) would c) must d) can
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Пётр Морозов
Английский язык
Прочитать на английском и перевод текста there's a concert in school. What can you do? I can play the piano, Miss Fisher. Look, Miss Fisher! I can play the drums. All right, Tom. That's enough. Can you play anything, Ben? No, I can't. But I can sing. We can sing, too. And we can dance!
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Александра Павлова
Английский язык
Put the words in the correct orders to make sentences 1) children/TV/are/watching/the? 2) not/going/I/am/tonight/out. 3) biting/you/always/nails/are/your! 4) next week/house/are/they/moving. 5) is/at/week/aunt's/staying / this/Beth/her/house. 6) Lucy/tidying/not/room/now/her/is. 7) they/what/are/doing?
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Анастасия Исакова
Английский язык
Перевести Dear Mum and Dad ...
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Макар Петров
Английский язык
Вставьте верную конструкцию в следующее предложение: ... three rooms in my flat 1. there is 2. there are 3. are there 4. is there
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Екатерина Николаева
Английский язык
2. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную форму страдательного залога 1. Don't worry, your keys (find). 2. The best cameras (make) in Jараn. 3. Nylon (use) to make mаnу things. 4. Driving should (ban) in the down town. 5. Planes (make) in your country? 6. Pineapples (not grow) in England. 7. Тhе Lottery (win) bу аn old mаn. 8. She (give) а video for her birthday. 9. His purse (steaI) from his bag. 10. Your car (repair) ? 11. That book (buy) two days ago. 12. А lot of water (drink) 1ast night. 13. Good wines (produce) in France. 14. Тhе doctor (send) for. 15. Не (ask) about the children.
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Английский язык
Choose the correct form. 1. If I go/went/had gone to Leipzig, I'll visit the zoo. 2. If it doesn't rain/didn't rain/hadn't rained, we'd be in the garden. 3. If you wear/wore/had been wearing a lighter jacket, the car driver will see you earlier. 4. We will watch/would watch/would have watched TV tonight if Peter hadn't bought the theatre tickets. 5. If I were a millionaire, I will live/would live/would have lived in Beverly Hills. 6. You would save energy if you switch off/switched off/has switched off the lights more often. 7. If we read the book, we will understand/would understand/would have understood the film
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Софья Колесова
Английский язык
Упражнение 1. Составьте предложения из следующих словосочетаний. 1. The 8th in Sochi I on was born July of. 2. My collection CD discs I many in have. 3. I on TV often Discovery and Science watch channels. 4. Read art and science a lot of I books on.
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Английский язык
написать в правильной форме глоголы If we ... (to launch) an environmental project in our school, we. - (to draw) students attention to ecological problems.
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