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Английский язык
The Royal Mail a) collects and delivers letters. b) collects letters. с) delivers letters
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Максим Кудряшов
Английский язык
You (to have) lunch at school yesterday ... No? I
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Василиса Мухина
Английский язык
4 Английских предложения почему вы занимаетесь спортом
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Ева Гордеева
Английский язык
Перевести на английский язык Вы ходите в клуб каждую неделю?
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Английский язык
Написать сочинение на английском мой день в школе небольшое сочинение
Ответы (2)
Фёдор Лобанов
Английский язык
Mother (to cook) at the kitchen when we came
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Английский язык
10. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме условного наклонения 7) If our children ... (to be) afraid of thunderstorm, we ... (to ask) Mary's sister to stay with them. 8) If we ... (to gather) a lot of mushrooms that summer, I ... (can + to give) a royal spread to our friends tonight. 9) Peter ... (not to catch) the bus unless he ... (to hurry). 10) If Linda (to be) in the club a day before yesterday, we (to see) her there.
Ответы (1)
Алексей Гусев
Английский язык
Прочитай вопросы и ответь на них 1) How many days are there in a week? 2) How many months are there in winter? 3) How many days are there in January? 4) How many days are there in June? 5) How many days are there in February? 6) How many colours are there in the rainbow? 7) How many copecks are there in a double (ru:bl) ?
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Амалия Леонтьева
Английский язык
Перефразировать предложения, употребляя пассив: 1. The policeman fined the driver for exceeding the speed limit. 2. I am sure we'll settle the matter very easily. 3. They started the company a hundred years ago. 4. Have you changed anything? 5. How soon will they repeat that TV programme? 6. We haven't solved the problem yet. 7. Have you prepared all the documents? 8. We haven't found the reason yet. 9. Have they tested all the machines?
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Максим Никитин
Английский язык
Поставьте местоимения в нужной форме. И перевести 1. Have (вы) any relatives? 2. (Моя) aunt has two sons. (Они) are twins. 3. Were do (ваши) grandparents work? 4. (Я) have many relatives. 5. What (Вы) doing now?
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Константин Андреев
Английский язык
Дополните предложения, используя модальные глаголы must, can, can't, couldn't и указанные глаголы (eat, decide, find, go, go) I was tired but I couldn't sleep. I wasn't hungry yesterday. I ... my dinner. Ann doesn't know what to do. She ... I wanted to speak to Martin yesterday but I ... him. Jim ... to the concert next Saturday. He has to work. Paula ... to the meeting last week. She was ill.
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Герман Лыков
Английский язык
Подчеркните правильное обстоятельство времени. (present simple vs present continuous) 1. i go to school every morning/at the moment. 2. my parents never/now go to work on sunday. 3. i go skiing today/every winter. 4. i at present/always do my homework. i am a very good student. 5. i am having an english lesson now/every day. 6. my parents are working on saturday/at the moment. 7. i watch tv tonight/in the evenings. 8. i usually/at present go out with my friends on sundays.
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Всеволод Румянцев
Английский язык
Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на оборот there + be: 1. There were not many new laboratories in our Institute some years ago. 2. There will be some research centre in our city. 3. There are two terms in the academic year.
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Павел Судаков
Английский язык
1. Вставьте нужный артикль. How brilliantly ... stars shine. a) -. b) any c) this. d) a. e) the.
Ответы (1)
Екатерина Ершова
Английский язык
Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам: 1) There are five good students in our group (1). 2. There will be a good park in our city (1). 3. There is a large blackboard in our classroom (2).4 There are English books on my table (1). 5 There are no mistakes in my exercise-book (1). 6 There will be a theatre near my sister*s house in three years (2).
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