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Английский язык
Поставить i go to scholl в настоящее неопределенное время, в прошедшее время, ностоящее вримя и будущее время
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Английский язык
Перевидите! Summer comes. It, s hot. The children dive and swim. They ride bikes and scooters, play badminton and football. But the Donkey is sad again."I don, t like summer because it, s very hot. In autumn I will eat apples and carrots," says the Donkey. Autumn comes. It, s cloudy and rainy. Now the Donkey has got a lot of apples and carrots to eat. But he is sad again. "I don, t like autumn because it. s cloudy, windy and rainy. In winter I will play snowballs and toboggan."Winter comes. But the Donkey is sad again.
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Никита Мельников
Английский язык
Дайте положительный и отрицательный ответы на каждый вопрос. а) Do they speak English? б) Are you tired? c) Do they want to sleep? d) Are they from Ukraine? e) j) Do you know me? f)
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Английский язык
WRITE an e-mail letter to your friend about the extra-school activeties you have ever had
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Александр Козлов
Английский язык
Составить небольшой рассказ на английском яз. на тему животные в цырке (мое отношение к ним)
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Виктория Макарова
Английский язык
Ответить на вопросы: 1. Where is Kazakhstan? 2. How big is the republic of Kazakhstan?3. How many people live in Kazakhstan? 4. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?5. When did Kazakhstan detare its independence?
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Егор Васильев
Английский язык
Составьте общие вопросы к предложениям. 1People buy a Christmas tree. 2 The children put the stockings near the bed. 3 Father Christmas comes at night.
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Английский язык
Underline the correct word Let me tell you a long forgetting/forgotten story Go and catch a falling / fallen star The two banks of the river are connecting / connected by a bridge I'd like to be an explorer discovering/discovered Watering/watered by Jane
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Алексей Блинов
Английский язык
5. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Прошедший год был для меня очень трудным. 2. Неделю назад в это время я ехал в поезде. 3. Служащие заканчивают работу в 6 часов вечера. 4. В школе он играл в футбол за сборную города. 5. Я понял, что вчера был не прав, и извинился. 6. Завтра мы с друзьями пойдем в кино.
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Мирон Краснов
Английский язык
Refer the following verbs to the past. pat, have, see, say, give,
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Максим Баранов
Английский язык
TEST (Present Perfect/Past Simple) 1. We (not/to have) a holiday last year. 2. My parents (to be) to London many times. 3. I (to buy) a new dress last week, but I (not/to wear) it yet. 4 ... it (to stop) raining yet? 5. When Jill (to finish) school? 6. I can't find my umbrella. I think somebody (to take) it by mistake. 7. I'm tired. I (to paint) the ceiling today. 8. We (not/to see) Peter this week, but we (to see) him a week ago. 9. - Where is Jane? - She (to go) to the shop. She'll be back soon. 10. Mary (to lose) her keys, so we can't open the door. 11 ... you (to see) Michael Jackson? 12. One of the passengers (to die) in this accident. 13 ... the post (to come) today? 14 ... he (to be) at home yesterday? 15. I (not/to find) my glasses yet. 16. She (to be) in Paris for 5 days. She lik
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Матвей Сорокин
Английский язык
Поставить глагол в правильную форму. 1 ... this hot chocolate ... (contain) any sugar? I can't have sugar. 2 You ... (look) tired. What have you been doing? 3 My grandparents ... (come) from ...
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Английский язык
1. They live in London. 2. He didn't go to the park yesterday. 3. The children are watching TV at the moment. 4. She can't drive. 5. His father is a doctor. Все виды вопросов.
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Ксения Третьякова
Английский язык
Напишите форму past simpleдля слова live
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Давид Вишневский
Английский язык
Выберите предложения с инверсией. It isn't easy to study mathematics. Вариант 2 Where were you yesterday? Вариант 3 Ann will have a new car soon. Вариант 4 Are you busy now? Вариант 5 Were the children at school last Monday?
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