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Поставте следующие предложения в вопосительную и отрицательную формы. 1. Lectures and labotatory works are organized at university ievel. 2. Before 1970 all Oxbridge colledges were separate for men and women. 3. Only pupils who do well at A-level may go to University. 4. Universities normally select students on the basis of A-level results and interview. 5. Evry student has a tutor in charge of planning his work and discussingits results with the students.

Ответы (1)
  1. 26 января, 10:03
    1. Lectures and laboratory works are organized at university level. - Are lectures and laboratory works organized at university level? - Lectures and laboratory works are not organized at university level.

    2. Before 1970 all Oxbridge colleges were separated for men and women. - Were all Oxbridge colleges separated for men and women before 1970? - Before 1970 all Oxbridge colleges were not separated for men and women.

    3. Only pupils who do well at A-level may go to University. - May only pupils who do well at A-level go to University? - Only pupils who do well at A-level may not go to University.

    4. Universities normally select students on the basis of A-level results and interview. - Do universities normally select students on the basis of A-level results and interview? - Universities normally do not select students on the basis of A-level results and interview.

    5. Every student has a tutor in charge of planning his work and discussing its results with the students. - Does every student have a tutor in charge of planning his work and discussing its results with the students? - Every student doesn't have a tutor in charge of planning his work and discussing its results with the students.
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