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Замените настоящее время прошедшим: 1. It is a nice day 2. Iam staying at the hotel for three weeks 3. Richard Brown is my friend 4. She is coming to London to see her father 5. We are in the classroom 6. They are reading their books 7. My hotel in Scotland is very nice 8. I have a big 9. She has a brown dog 10. He has some cigarettes on the table 11. It is raining very hard, you can't see the mountains 12. They are playing football

Ответы (1)
  1. 26 мая, 11:04
    1. It was a nice day.

    2. I was staying at the hotel for three weeks.

    3. Richard Brown was my friend.

    4. She was coming to London to see her father.

    5. We were in the classroom.

    6. They were reading their books.

    7. My hotel in Scotland was very nice.

    8. I had a bag.

    9. She had a brown dog.

    10. He had some cigarettes on the table.

    11. It was raining very hard, you couldn't see the mountains.

    12. They were playing football.
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