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Как переводится ice cream

Ответы (1)
  1. 20 сентября, 15:28

    Примеры употребления этого слова в предложениях:

    All people love ice cream. But I motivate myself to eat less ice cream, because I have a sore throat. To motivate means to convince a person to do something. Persuasion can be different, for example encouragement or punishment. To motivate this means to interest the person to do some kind of action. I motivate myself not to eat ice cream, but not to stimulate myself. Motivation is different from stimulus. A person is interested in doing the action itself when he is motivated. A person does not want to do the action itself when he is stimulated. I advise everyone to motivate myself to eat less ice cream. Motivation encourages people to do more than he did. Motivation is good for a person because it reveals his abilities.
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