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допишите степени сравнения этих прилагательных и перевидите их на русский язык. придумайте предложения, употребив эти прилагательные в разных степенях сравнения! ... - shorter - ... smaller ... - longer ... strong - ... - ... poor - ... - ... - more awful - ... - ... - most horrible ... - ... - dirtiest ... - nicer - ...

Ответы (1)
  1. 1 сентября, 15:28
    Short - shorter - the shortest, small - smaller - the smallest, long - longer - the longest, strong - stronger - the strongest, poor - poorer - the poorest, awful - more awful - the most awful, horrible - more horrible - most horrible, dirty - dirtier - the dirtiest, nice - nicer - the nicest.

    1. It is short way. This way is shorter. This is the shortest way to the shop.

    2. My friend is small. He is smaller than me. He is the smallest boy in our class.

    3. It is a long story. It is longer story than it was before. It is the longest story about their adventures.

    4. My brother is very strong. He is stronger than our father. He is the strongest in our family.

    5. They live very poor. They live poorer than our neighbours. Their family is the poorest in our village.

    6. It is very awful day. It is more awful day than when it was heavy rain. It is the most awful day in this winter.

    7. It was a horrible movie. This movie is more horrible than "Saw". It is the most horrible movie I have ever seen.

    8. This room is dirty. That room was dirtier than this room. That room was the dirtiest in the hotel.

    9. It is so nice place, I like it. It is nicer place than we visited last time. Yesterday we visited the nicest place in this city.
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