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Сочинение на тему "Мир через 100 лет" На английском языке

Ответы (1)
  1. 9 апреля, 13:08
    The World in 100 Years from Now

    In 2118 year our world will look much different from what we have today. There will be no borders between the countries. All people will live in one community called "the Earth". Our planet will be free of any wars and violence.

    In the future, people will live much longer. There will be remedies from all deceases. They will also be kind and beautiful. Happiness will be their normal state, because everyone will have what he/she needs.

    People will communicate with the inhabitants of other planets. Spaceship travels will be very popular. There will be possibility to go to any part of the Universe immediately. The world will become much more convenient to live in.
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