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Найти ошибки в вопросах и ответах! What pets has Boris got? Boris has got a tortoise and two badgies. How often does he clean the cage? Boris clean the cage every day. What does his tortoise like to eat? His tortoise likes to eat lettuce, cabbage and cucumbers. What does she do in the winter? In winter she gets sleepy. What happens when Boris calls his tortoise? The tortois knows her name. when Boris calls her tortoise, she put out her head. What pets have you got at home? I've got a dog. it's a vollie. How do you look after it? I give it food and water. What colour is your dog? it's black and white. How old is your dog? It's two years old. How long do the dogs live? the dogs live 15 years. is it clever? Yes, it is very clever. It can roll over, shake paw and fetch a newspaper.

Ответы (1)
  1. 1. What pets has Boris got? Boris has got a tortoise and two budgies.

    2. How often does he clean the cage? Boris cleans the cage every day.

    3. What does his tortoise like to eat? His tortoise likes to eat lettuce, cabbages and cucumbers.

    4. What does she do in winter? In winter she gets sleepy.

    5. What happens when Boris calls his tortoise? The tortoise knows her name. When Boris calls his tortoise, she puts out her head.

    6. What pets have you got at home? I've got a dog. It's a collie.

    7. How do you look after it? I give it food and water.

    8. What color is your dog? It's black and white.

    9. How old is your dog? It's two years old.

    10. How long do the dogs live? The dogs live 15 years.

    11. Is it clever? Yes, it is very clever. It can roll over, give paw and fetch a newspaper.

    *Если животное (собака) персонализировано (у него есть кличка, либо упоминался пол животного), то уместно также использовать местоимения he, she.
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