Задать вопрос

1. Открыть скобки 2. Переписать предложение в действительном залоге. 3. Задать все типы вопросов к каждому предложению. 1. I can't give you these articles. They (translate) now. 2. The letter ...

Ответы (1)
  1. 7 августа, 12:29
    1. I can't give you these articles. They are being translated now.

    You can't be given these articles. (Passive voice)

    They are translating these articles now. (Active voice)

    Can't I give you these articles? (General)

    What can't I give you? (Special)

    What articles can't I give you? (Special)

    Whom can't I give these articles? (Special)

    Who can't give you these articles? (Special)

    Can't I or can't he give you these article? (Alternative)

    Can't I give you or him these articles? (Alternative)

    Can't I give you these or those articles? (Alternative)

    Can't I give you these articles or books? (Alternative)

    I can't give you these articles, can I? (Disjunctive)
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