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What would you do ... 1. if I there was a mouse in your bedroom?2. if you were driving and a bee or wasp came into the car?3. if you saw a spider in the bath? 4. if you were on a beach that was famous for shark attacks?5. if someone offered to buy you a fur coat?6. if you went to your friends' house for dinner and they gave you horse meat?7. if your neighbour's dog barked all night?8. if a friend asked you to look after their cat or dog?

Ответы (1)
  1. 11 июня, 09:49
    1. If there was a mouse in my bedroom I would bring my cat in this room.

    2. If I was driving and a bee or wasp came into the car I would stop driving and open the door.

    3. If I saw a spider in the bath I would take it outside carefully.

    4. If I was on a beach that was famous for shark attacks I would not swim.

    5. If someone offered to buy me a fur coat I would refuse because I am against killing animals for fur.

    6. If I went to my friends' house for dinner and they gave me horse meat I would ask for other food.

    7. If my my neighbor's dog barked all night I would come to his or her place next day and ask him or her to solve this problem.

    8. If friends asked me to look after their cat or dog I would tell them about my allergy to animals.
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