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Нужно сочинение на английском языке на тему "что делает семью счастливой?"

Ответы (1)
  1. 30 мая, 21:37
    As the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy wrote: All happy families are equally happy, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. So what makes all families happy? I don't know if all the families are equally happy, but I know what makes mine happy. The most important for the happiness of the family is that all members are healthy. After all, what could be worse if your own person is sick? For me, a happy family is a family in which everyone always supports each other, even if someone is wrong, they always stand on his side. Let then at home they will all say to each other, in front of other people the family should always be one part. A family cannot be happy if there is no understanding between the members. Spending time together, celebrating holidays, just a walk to the park - all this makes the family happy.
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