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17 февраля, 03:21

Сочинение 10-15 предложений на тему:"Основные погодные явления" Использовать слова: sunset, sunrise, rain, wind, eclipse, eartquake, storm, flood, rainbow, ice, snow, thunder, lightning, hoarfrost, dew. (необязательно все)

Ответы (1)
  1. 17 февраля, 03:38
    1) My sister and me watched a beautiful sunset yesterday in the evening;

    2) I always dreamed to see a sunrise with my friends;

    3) My father usually likes when it rains;

    4) I heard a story when a strong wind took the roofs off the houses;

    5) Luckily, we live in a region where earthquake never happens;

    6) After rain stopped pouring the streets the sun came up on the sky and everyone saw a wonderful rainbow;

    7) There is a lot of snow in winter;

    8) I like to run along the grass with dew on it;

    9) According to the weather forecast it's going to be a storm;

    10) First we see a lightning then we hear a thunder.
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