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1) complete the sentences. use your imagination: If the weather is fine, we'll go to the river. If we go to the river, ... (продолжить) 2) If I study well, I'll get good marks. If I ... Ответь. Английский язык.

Ответы (1)
  1. 31 октября, 06:07
    If the weather is fine, we'll go to the river. If we go to the river, we will fish. If we fish in such good weather, we'll surely catch a big fish. If we catch a big fish, we'll have a nice dinner in the evening.

    If I study well, I'll get good marks. If I get good marks, I'll become more confident in myself. If I become more confident, this will lead me to further success. If I come to further success, I'll understand later that all this was not in vain.
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