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Transform from Active into Passive Voice. (Преобразуйте от активного в страдательный залог) 1. Millions of people watch TV programme. 2. Children eat cakes at Christmas. 3. The great-grandmother received a telegramme from the Queen. 4. The people will not discuss the question at the meeting. 5. The postman brings newspapers twice a day.

Ответы (1)
  1. 27 июня, 01:05
    1. The TV programme is wathed by millions of people. - Телевизионную программу смотрят миллионы людей.

    2. Cakes are eaten by children at Christmas. - Торты едят дети на Рождество.

    3. A telegramme from the Queen was received by the great-grandmother. - Телеграмма от королевы была получена моей прабабушкой.

    4. The questoin will not be discussed the at the meeting. - Вопрос не будут обсуждать на встрече.

    5. Newspapers are brought by the postman twice a day. - Газеты приносятся почтальоном дважды в день.
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