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Составьте вопрос He drives 20 bloks from home and leaves the cat there.

Ответы (1)
  1. 5 февраля, 02:03
    Разделительный. He drives 20 blocks from home and leaves the cat there, doesn't (does not) he?

    Общий. Does he drive 20 blocks from home and leave the cat there?

    Альтернативный. Does he drive 20 or 30 blocks from home and leave the cat there?

    Does he drive 20 blocks from home or from office and leave the cat there?

    Does he drive 20 blocks from home and leave the cat or the car there?

    Специальный. What does he do?

    How many blocks does he drive?

    Where does he drive 20 blocks from?

    Why does he drive 20 blocks from home?

    What does he leave there?

    Вопрос к подлежащему. Who drives 20 blocks from home and leaves the cat there?
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