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Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь: 1. Ann said to her friend:"I am meeting my cousin but the train is late". 2. They said to me:"We have just moved into a new flat". 3. The woman told me:"I am taking my niece to see the city". 4. She told Jack:"I will not forget to send you a telegram". 5. She said:"My parents are arriving tomorrow". 6. Meg said:"I've made some discoveries for myself today". 7. John said:"I have never tasted anything so tasty".

Ответы (1)
  1. 31 мая, 00:22
    1. Ann told her friend that she was meeting her cousin but the train was late.

    2. They told me that they had just moved into a new flat.

    3. The woman told me that she was taking her niece to see the city.

    4. She told Jack that she would not forget to send him a telegram.

    5. She said that her parents were arriving the next day.

    6. Meg said that she had made some discoveries for herself that day.

    7. John said that he had never tasted anything so tasty.
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