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Преобразуйте следующие предложения из Активного в Пассивный залог: 1. Profits, savings and borrowing power limit business firms. 2. Frederick Taylor provided a notable impetus to industrial management. 3. Keynes wrote many books. 4. The competitive system will determine business ethics. 5. Great complexity of organization and administration characterize the operation of large business firms. 6. Two or more persons own a business organization. 7. Sir Joseph Binks gives Tom a small cheque. 8. They gave Uncle Tom a cheque and a railway carriage.

Ответы (1)
  1. 31 августа, 01:24
    1. Profits, savings and borrowing power limit business firms. - Business firms are limited by profits, savings and borrowing power.

    2. Frederick Taylor provided a notable impetus to industrial management. - A notable impetus to industrial management was provided by Frederick Taylor.

    3. Keynes wrote many books. - Many books were written by Keynes.

    4. The competitive system will determine business ethics. - Business ethics will be determined by the competitive system.

    5. Great complexity of organization and administration characterize the operation of large business firms. - The operation of large businesses firms is characterized by great complexity of organization and administration.

    6. Two or more persons own a business organization. - A business organization is owned by two or more persons.

    7. Sir Joseph Binks gives Tom a small cheque. - Tom is given a small cheque by sir Joseph Binks.

    8. They gave Uncle Tom a cheque and a railway carriage. - Uncle Tom was given a cheque and a railway carriage.
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