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Вы уже хорошо знакомы с героями книги о Питере Пэне. 2) Как вы думаете, кто из героев что говорит? Поставьте рядом с именами героев номера высказываний, которые им принадлежат. Реtеr Рan Wendy and her brothers Wendy The lost boys John and Michael I am brave! I'm smart! I can fly! I can hunt! There are many caves on the island. There are many trees on the island. But are there any houses here? I've got two brothers. And I have got many friends. Peter Pan is my good friend. He's smart, brave and joyful. We aren't brothers. We're friends. We haven't got mothers. But we've got Wendy! She can't fly! And we can't fly!

Ответы (1)
  1. 29 октября, 06:24
    2) Реtеr Рan: I am brave! I'm smart! I can fly! I can hunt!

    Wendy and her brothers: There are many caves on the island.

    There are many trees on the island. But are there any houses here?

    Wendy: I've got two brothers. And I have got many friends.

    Peter Pan is my good friend. He's smart, brave and joyful.

    The lost boys: We aren't brothers. We're friends. We haven't got mothers.

    But we've got Wendy!

    John and Michael: She can't fly! And we can't fly!
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Ответы (1)