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Найдите в предложениях глаголы. Выпишите их и определите время, в котором они употреблчются. Do animals have any unexplained powers we are unaware of? For many years pet owners and scientists have reported examples of unusual behaviour in animals. They say that pets can anticipate their owners leaving for trips or returning home. These animals somehow know when they are going to be fed or taken for a walk. Does this mean anything or is it just a coincidence? Maybe it has nothing to do with psychic powers, maybe pets just understand enough language to get the message? Surprisingly, little research has been done on these phenomena.

Ответы (1)
  1. 7 июня, 01:39
    Do (Present Simple); have (Present Simple); we are (Present Simple).

    Reported (Present Perfect).

    They say (Present Simple); can (Present Simple); anticipate (Infinitive).

    Know (Present Simple); are going (Present Continuous); to be fed (Infinitive).

    Does (Present Simple); mean (Present Simple); is (Present Simple).

    Has (Present Simple); to do (Infinitive); understand (Present Simple); to get (Infinitive).

    Has been done (Present Perfect).
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