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Answer the questions. Choose the correct answer from the lits. Answer list 1. Where is the party? 2. Who is giving the party? 3. How many friends did Mary invite? 4. Why didn't they go to a cafe? 5. What will they do? 6. When must Mary be home? a. tree b. at Mary's place c. go for a walk d. by nine o'clock e. Mary f. it costs too much9

Ответы (1)
  1. 7 января, 11:13
    1) I think they are having a party at Mary's house.

    2) Mary's giving the party, her parents have gone for a whole week!

    3) She invited Jack, Grace and Jade. Just three of them and Mary.

    4) It costs too much so they decided it's better to stay at Mary's house.

    5) I guess they will go for a walk later.

    6) She will have been there by nine o'clock. She is having a party at her house so she can't leave it for a long time.
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