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Какие предложения содержат причастный оборот 1. It being late, we went home. 2. When coming there I met an old friend of mine. 3. Looking out of the window I saw it was snowy. 4. This crop being susceptible to heat and hardy to cold, the farmers plant it as late as possible for autumn use. 5. They study different subjects, English being one of them.

Ответы (1)
  1. 10 июня, 23:05
    Какие предложения содержат причастный оборот

    It being late, we went home. (Participle - being) When coming there I met an old friend of mine. (Participle - coming) Looking out of the window I saw it was snowy. (Participle - looking) This crop being susceptible to heat and hardy to cold, the farmers plant it as late as possible for autumn use. (Participle - being) They study different subjects, English being one of them. (Participle - being)
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