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27 ноября, 05:29

Complete the sentences putting the verbs in the Present Simple Tense. 1. We all ___ (agree) on the importance of communication skills. 2. I always ___ (think) about the feelings of other people. 3. Sometimes he ___ (behave) very strangely towards me. 4. Teenagers and their parents rarely ___ (agree). 5. My friend ___ (live) next door to me. 6. We often ___ (enjoy) the same things. 7. I ___ (belong) to a sports club.

Ответы (1)
  1. 27 ноября, 05:50
    1. We all agree on the importance of communication skills. 2. I always think about the feelings of other people. 3. Sometimes he behaves very strangely towards me. 4. Teenagers and their parents rarely agree. 5. My friend lives next door to me. 6. We often enjoy the same things. 7. I belong to a sports club.

    Глаголы в Present Simple раскрываются следующим образом:

    - если подлежащее - одно из местоимений I/you/we/they, используется глагол в инфинитиве без частички to;

    - если he/she/it - к глаголу без частички to прибавляется окончание - s/-es.
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