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Нужно составить 6 придложений про кривой рог

Ответы (1)
  1. 5 октября, 06:10
    Krivoy Rog is a city in the Dnepropetrovsk region in Ukraine. The city is one of the longest cities in Ukraine. The name Krivoy Rog is due to the fact that the city is stretched like a horn. The city has large reserves of iron ore. Krivoy Rog is a large transport hub of the Dnepropetrovsk region. The city is the scientific and educational center of the region, the second most important in the Dnipropetrovsk region after the city of the Dnieper. The city has many theaters and museums. The circus exists in the city. The well-known team of the Club of merry and resourceful "95 quarter" occurred in this city. This team took the second place twice at the contest "Kivin in the light" and successfully performed in the Club of merry and resourceful.
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