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16 января, 16:09

Как сказать по Английски: откуда (из какой страны) они? откуда мы? откуда я?

Ответы (1)
  1. 16 января, 19:42
    From where?

    From what country?

    From what country are they?

    From where are we?

    From where am I?

    "From where are you?" he asked me in a hurry.

    Can you tell me Jill from what country are they?

    Why are you laughing at me? I just want to know from what country are you?

    I just do not remember or I just do not know from where am I? _ said the girl with fear.

    The stranger approached to us, looked very strange way and asked me whispering. _ From where are you?

    I always ask myself the same question. " From where are we?" But I can not understand as we are both from Canada and England.
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