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A computer game. Choose and write the words. Then tell the story with your frinds like this

Ответы (1)
  1. 28 апреля, 06:08
    Gta: San Andreas

    This game was released many years ago but despite this fact the game is rather popular yet. For example, as for me, I also like play this game with my friends. I like playing like single player and using a multiplayer where my guys create some sort of mayhem.

    Now let's i tell something about Gta: San Andreas. As you can guess the one is episode of GTA games released in 2004. The main advantages of this game are a huge quantity of different missions and activities. You can pass the missions of a main plot or pass submissions: policeman, ambulance and others. A gamer can simply wander around the city or use some transport: auto, plane, helicopter.

    Personally, I make battles with police, explode everything around me, choose different types of weapon. Especially, I adore mission of fireman. You use a big red car and put out burning cars.

    My friend prefer to take part in racing or flying on jet fighter (Hydra).

    Nowadays many games are in action but GTA: SA is out of competition.
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