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Write the dates in words 5/5 1/2 19/6 3/8 31/12 12/10 17/4 5/1 7/7

Ответы (1)
  1. 7 июня, 05:24
    5/5 - the fifth of May или May the fifth (in the USA);

    1/2 - the first of February или February the first;

    19/6 - the nineteenth of Juin или Juin the nineteenth;

    3/8 - the third of August или August the third;

    31/12 - the thirty first of December или December the thirty first;

    12/10 - the twelfth of October или October the twelfth;

    17/4 - the seventeenth of April или April the seventeenth;

    5/1 - the fifth of January или January the fifth;

    7/7 - the seventh of July или July the seventh.
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