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25 августа, 11:45

A Write your own questions for the following statements. 1. Hollywood is called the biggest star factory in the world because the biggest and most successful film studios are there ...? - Hollywood is ...? - Because the biggest and most successful film studios are there. 2. Oscar Night is the most important event in show biz ...? - Yes, it is ...? - Oscar Night is. 3. If you visit Malibu, you may see some famous stars ...? - In Malibu ...? - Some famous stars. 4. In Los Angeles you are unlikely to have bad weather ...? - bad weather ...? - in Los Angeles ...? - You are unlikely to have bad weather in Los Angeles.

Ответы (1)
  1. 25 августа, 13:04
    What is Hollywood? Why is Hollywood called the biggest star factory in the world?

    Is Oscar Night the most important event in show biz? What is Oscar Night?

    Where can you see some famous stars? What can you see if you visit Malibu?

    What are you unlikely to have in Los Angeles? Where are you unlikely to have bad weather?
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