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Образуйте другие части речи (производные слова) от следующих путем прибавления разных суффиксов: - ment, - tion, - ship, - ly; - er, - y, - ing, - ial, - ive: Consumer; invest; produce; industry; own; market; risk; manage; finance; pay; buy; distribute.

Ответы (1)
  1. 4 мая, 03:16
    Consume - consumer, consumption, consuming;

    invest - investor, investment, investing;

    produce - producer, productivity, production, producing, productively;

    industry - industrial, industrialization;

    own - owner, ownership, owning;

    market - marketer, marketing;

    risk - risky, risking, riskier;

    manage - manager, management, managing;

    finance - financial, financing, financially;

    pay - payer, payment, paying;

    buy - buyer, buying;

    distribute - distributor, distribution, distributive, distributively, distributing.
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Ответы (1)
Образуйте новые слова с помощью суффиксов и пре фиксов, переведите их. - ег/ог to teach обучать - teacher учитель to write - to weld - - sion/ssion/tion to produce производить - production производство to discuss - to include - - ment to move
Ответы (1)
образуйте правильное окончание: (er или or) : to read to work to teach to invest to sail to create to write to act to sing to train to deal to visit to dance to fit to drive to buy to manage to think to speak to build to conduct to wait (on) to run
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Ответы (1)