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9 ноября, 14:48

10 предложений в которых будет информация о хобби. пример: 1) he is fond of playing computer game. 2) they need a ball for their bobby.

Ответы (1)
  1. 9 ноября, 14:55
    1. Every week guys from our school go fishing and they like winter and summer fishing both.

    2. Almost all boys like football or basketball, but I like volleyball most.

    3. Where are your parents? - They are at the theatre now, they go there every month.

    4. I like camping trip a lot and my family and friends support my hobby.

    5. Girls like barbie most.

    6. I'm crazy about reading.

    7. My sister is shopaholic.

    8. My mother is dancer.

    9. My hobby is singing.

    10. I collect rare butterflies
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