Задать вопрос
18 ноября, 19:10

Ask questions (begin them with the words given in brackets). 1. He lives in London. (Who?) 2. Ann does her homework in her room. (Where?) 3. The children often play in the yard. (Yes/No?) 4. I come home at 5 o'clock. (When?) We read texts at the lessons. (What?)

Ответы (1)
  1. 18 ноября, 23:06
    1. Who lives in London? - вопрос к подлежащему;

    2. Where does Ann do her homework? - специальный вопрос;

    3. Do the children often play in the yard? - общий вопрос;

    4. When do you come home? - специальный вопрос;

    5. What do you read at the lessons? - специальный вопрос.
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