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Допишите вопросы и ответы: 1 ... the monkey like apples? Yes ... 2 ... the monkeys like apples. Yes ... 3 ... the monkey got a banana. Yes ... 4 ... ten monkeys in the zoo. Yes ... 5 ... the monkeys in the zoo. Yes ...

Ответы (1)
  1. 13 апреля, 21:57
    1. Does the monkey like apples? Yes, it does. - Обезьяна любит яблоки? Да.

    2. Do the monkeys like apples? Yes, they do. - Обезьяны любят яблоки? Да.

    3. Has the monkey got a banana? Yes, it has. - У обезьяны есть банан? Да.

    4. Are ten monkeys in the zoo? Yes, the are. - Десять обезьян в зоопарке? Да.

    5. Are the monkeys in the zoo? Yes, they are. - Обезьяны в зоопарке? Да.
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Ответы (1)
Выразите удивление: неужели 1. They go to the zoo - ... 2. She goes to the zoo - ... 3. She went to the zoo - ... 4. Theu can go to the zoo - ... 5. He likes the zoo - ... 6. She came to the zoo at 3 - ... 7. They watch monkeys - ... 8.
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Ответы (2)
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Ответы (1)