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Перевод Parrots Can Be You Best Friends

Ответы (1)
  1. 7 ноября, 14:51
    Parrots can be your best friends. - Попугаи могут быть вашими лучшими друзьями.

    Parrots can't be your best friends.

    Can parrots be your best friends?

    Who can be your best friends?

    Whose best friends can be parrots?

    Can parrots or can lions be your best friends?

    Can parrots be your or their best friends?

    Can parrots be your best or worst friends?

    Can parrots be your best friends or enemies?

    Parrots can be your best friends, cannot they?

    Parrots could be your best friends. (Past Indefinite).

    Parrots couldn't be your best friends.

    Could parrots be your best friends?
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