1. to damage, to endanger, to destroy, to ruin, to create 2. safe, nuclear, calm, pleasant, mammal 3. radiatiom, destruction, environment, population, pollutiom. 4. fox, bare, pigeon, reptile, habitat, insect. 5.
Ответы (2)
Придумайте небольшие предложения со словами dump (to dump), forecast (to forecast), influence (to influence), damage (to damage), poison (to poison), warm (to warm), calm (to calm), clear (to clear), pale (to pale).
Ответы (1)
Составить 10 предложений на тему экология на английском С использованием слов: test, ton, filter, ecology, ozone, ultraviolet radiation, environment, to pollute, pollution, to cauze, destruction, shortage, to dump, waste, to posion, safe.
Ответы (1)
Составить предложения со словами: an isect, a mammal, to destroy, a habitat, cardboard, to demagt, to include, to cure, a creature, a species, a pigeon, extinct, to endanger.
Ответы (1)