Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями. on, at, jn, under, off, out of, from, jnta, to. 1 ... lives in Moscow. 2 ... go into their classroom and sit down at the tables. 3. "Does ... sometimes meel his friends at the office?'' "Yes, ... does". 4 ...
Ответы (1)
Choose and write. 1. Am I a pupil? - (Yes, you do/Yes, 2. Can you speak English - (Yes, I can./Yes, I Yes 3. Does she travel? - (Yes, she do./Yes, she does.) 4. Do we learn English? - (yes, we can. / Yes, we do.) 5. Is it Flight 5? - (Yes, it is.
Ответы (1)