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Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилогательных : early, young, different, much

Ответы (1)
  1. 18 апреля, 18:39
    Early - earlier - the earliest.

    Young - younger - the youngest.

    Different - more different - the most different.

    Much - more - the most.

    Little - less - the least.

    Good - better - the best.

    Bad - worse - the worst.

    Many - more - the most.

    Far - farther - the farthest.

    Far - further - the furthest.

    Dirty - dirtier - the dirtiest.

    Happy - happier - the happiest.

    Beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful.

    comfortable - less comfortable - the least comfortable.

    Hot - hotter - the hottest.

    Sad - sadder - the saddest.
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