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Преобразовать в косвенную речь. 1. He said:"I like soap operas." 2. My mother said: "We are going to visit our Granny." 3. Me friend said:" I have been to England." 4. Our teacher said:" Your tests are excellent." 5. "He had his last exam yesterday." said Tom. 6. Tony said:" The programme deal with the lives of famous people."

Ответы (1)
  1. 10 ноября, 02:12
    Когда мы переводим прямую речь в косвенную, то используем согласование времен.

    1. He said that he liked soap operas.

    2. My mother said that we were going to visit our Granny.

    3. Me friend said that he (she) had been to England.

    4. Our teacher said that our tests were excellent.

    5. Tom said that he had had his last exam the day before.

    6. Tony said that the programme dealed with the lives of famous people.
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