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1) Поставьте вопросы и дайте отрицательный ответ, сделайте перевод предложений:a) Many has switched on the light. b) My relatives have received the pencel. c) Our grandfather has travelled much. 2) Поставьте инфинитив в Past Perfect Tense:a) Yesterday we discussed the film which we (to see) some days before. b) When my sister (to go) to the theatre, i began to write the letter. c) The children (to fall a sleep) by 10 o'clock.

Ответы (1)
  1. 15 мая, 07:53
    1. a) Has Mary switched on the light? - No, she has not. Mary hasn't switched on the light. - Включила ли Мэри свет? - Нет ... Мэри не включила свет.

    b) Have my relatives received the pencil? - No, they haven't. My relatives haven't received the pencil. - Получили ли мои родственники карандаш? Нет. Мои родственники не получили карандаш.

    c) Has our grandfather travelled much? - No, he hasn't. Our grandfather hasn't travelled much. - Наш дед много путешествовал? Нет. Наш дедушка не много путешествовал.

    2. a) Yesterday we discussed the film which we had seen some days before.

    b) When my sister had gone to the theatre, I began to write the letter.

    c) The children had fallen asleep by 10 o'clock.
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