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Поставьте предложение во все времена: I prepare for the exam

Ответы (1)
  1. 5 января, 23:34
    1. Present Simple: I prepare for the exam in the evening. 2. Present Continuous: I am preparing for the exam now. 3. Present Perfect: I have already prepared for the exam. 4. Present Perfect Continuous: I have been preparing for the exam for two hours.

    1. Past Simple: I prepared for the exam yesterday. 2. Past Continuous: I was preparing for the exam when you phoned me. 3. Past Perfect: Before I went out, I had prepared for the exam. 4. Past Perfect Continuous: I had been preparing for the exam for two hours.

    1. Future Simple: I will prepare for the exam tomorrow. 2. Future Continuous: This time tomorrow I will be preparing for the exam. 3. Future Perfect: I will have prepared for the exam by Monday. 4. Future Perfect Continuous: I will have been preparing for the exam. 5. Future-in-the-Past: I said I would be preparing for the exam at that time.
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