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Рассказ о выдающимся журналисте на английском

Ответы (1)
  1. 7 июля, 18:07
    Most people in the world try to be educated and developed in different spheres of life. They read books, watch news, get interesting information from the internet. But all these facts and news can't be seen without work of journalists, correspondents, editors, operators. They really do much hard work for our entertainment and development in modern world. So today I'd like to tell about journalists. It should be noted that the profession of a journalist is an interesting, but at the same time very responsible business. All submitted information should be objective, because it affects the formation of the public opinion. I'd like to tell you about one of the most famous journalists in Russia, Vladimir Molchanov. Today, he is still in demand, in spite of his career was started in Soviet Union. In 1987, in January, he came to work to the editorial office of the TV program "Time", in March of the same year his information and music program "Before and after midnight" was presented to public. In December 2003 Molchanov became the host of the daily talk show "Private life". Since 2014 he has been conducting a workshop at the faculty of journalism of the Moscow Institute of television and radio broadcasting "Ostankino". Also he is the laureate of prizes of a number of international documentary film festivals, prize of the Union of journalists of Russia "Golden feather of Russia". Molchanov's wife, Consuelo Segura, in recent years has become the chief editor of her husband's films and programs. Journalist's profession is not only interesting, but dangerous too. Many journalists put their lives at risk. But nevertheless, they try to find the most excited and truthful information for viewers and readers.
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Ответы (1)